"What in the world is Casually.cat?" -Ira Weitzman
Hello, and welcome to my homepage! I'm Cas, and I like to work on preserving things that might otherwise fall into obscurity. My hope with this website is to keep track of these projects so you can follow them!
It's a pleasure to have you here
My hope is that you also are into old or lost media
Originally, Casually.cat started as my own personal media archive. When I'd find something that I thought was at risk of being lost on the internet, I'd keep a backup of it. Eventually, this turned into actively helping archival groups save video gaming media, and now I'm in school to do it professionally. I still use Casually.cat as sort of a hub of operations. The retro theming of this site is very intentional!
Current Projects
Xbox DLC
Local History
I'm actively working to chronicle the development of Jonathan Larson's unpublished musicla, Superbia!
I'm working with the Insignia project helping to restore DLC for the original Microsoft Xbox gaming console.
I'm collaborating on a project to digitize an extensive wealth of local history documents within my town.